2025 Opening Day-April 5 (weather permitting)
2025 Opening Day-April 5 (weather permitting)
Saturday Only-Sale Info
Vendor setup begins 12 noon Friday
or can start Saturday before 6 am
Gates left open Friday evening for overnight setup
Be at your space ready to sell by 7 am Saturday Shoppers start to arrive at sunrise
Vendor Space Rental
First come, first served spaces - $20/Saturday
Reserved spaces-$25/Saturday, pay first Saturday of month for entire month except in April & October.
April & Oct- $25 for reserved space paid by the week, no charge for days we close due to rain or snow during April & October.
We do not announce weather related closures ahead of time as often rain is brief and vendors/shoppers still do business with many having canopies
Memorial Day - May 23, 24, 25
4th of July - July 4, 5, 6
Labor Day - August 29, 30, 31
Vendor Setup begins 12 noon Thursday
Call ahead if arriving after 5 p.m. Thursday to be
sure we have open spaces left
Vendors, be in your space BEFORE 6 a.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Holidays
Vendor Space Rental
$20 for Friday, $40 for Friday & Saturday, $50 for Friday, Saturday & Sunday, $15 Sunday only
To be assured a selling space on holiday weekends, you can sell the Saturday before and pre-pay for the holiday weekend+$5 reserve fee.
Vendors reserving by the month are charged $55 for the 3 day holiday weekend, regardless if selling all 3 days or not
Vendors who reserve their space for the season can setup Saturday March 29 starting at 10 am, weather permitting.